On July 1st, the Grand Depart of this year’s Tour de France will take place in Düsseldorf Germany. You have the chance to win two VIP tickets for an unique event, which we will host together with our partners MA-13 and Solestar. Who would be your favorite companion for this exciting day? Tag her/him in this post and perhaps you will experience the race close to the action, with snacks during the day and a three course TDF dinner in the evening.
Closing date: June 1st 2017
Conditions of participation
Explanation of the campaign:
- The campaign is not connected to Facebook and is neither sponsored, supported nor managed from Facebook.
- Facebook is released from any claims for compensation, which could occur in context of this campaign.
- The information about the raffle are not provided for Facebook, but for the operator of the raffle.
- Questions, comments or complains about this campaign need to be directed to to the operator of the raffle and not to Facebook.
Operator of the raffle
The operator of the raffle is ZEAL Cycling B.V. Wipstrikkerallee 69, 8023 DV Zwolle, The Netherlands. The complete imprint can be found here.
Persons entitled to participate:
Every person, older than 18 years and residing in Europe is entitled to participate. Employees of ZEAL Cycling and their family members are not allowed to take part.
With commenting the raffle Facebook post from May 16th, 2017 on "WIN TWO VIP TICKETS FOR THE GRAND DEPART!"
you participate in the raffle. The deadline is June 1st, 2017 at 23:59.
Determination of winners:
After termination of the raffle the winner will be determined by lot. All participants agree with the public information about a possible win in connection with their names on the Facebook page of ZEAL Cycling.
- Two VIP tickets for the ZEAL Grand Depart Event on July 1st in Düsseldorf incl. three course dinner.
- Neither a cash withdrawal nor an exchange of the prize is possible.
- The winner needs to contact ZEAL Cycling within one week. If this will not be the case, the entitlement of the prize will expire and a new winner will be determined.
- The winner will receive the prize from ZEAL Cycling.
Untimely end, exclusion
- ZEAL Cycling reserves the right, to cut the raffle short without any preannouncement and without any reasoning. This applies in particular, if a proper execution is no longer possible for technical or legal reasons. In this case, the participants will not be able to make any demands towards ZEAL Cycling.
- ZEAL Cycling reserves the right to exclude participants from taking part in the raffle in the event of an infringement for example.
- ZEAL reserves the right to change the conditions of participation or to limit/extend the timeframe or to change the prize as far as objective reasons are at hand and the change will be appropriate. ZEAL Cycling commit itself to publish possible modifications in a post or comment on Facebook.
The liability of ZEAL Cycling is excluded to the extend permitted by law.
The data of the participants will neither be archived, nor forwarded to third parties and after the campaign the data will be deleted.
- If individual clauses of this conditions of participation are or become invalid other provisions shall remain unaffected.
- The laws of the Netherlands shall apply. The recourse of the courts is excluded.
By participating in this raffle, the participant accepts the conditions thereof.
Comments (3)
Hallo liebe Kommentatoren,
natürlich freuen wir uns auch hier über Kommentare und die Teilnahme an unserem Gewinnspiel. Ideal wäre es, wenn ihr eure Beiträge auch als Kommentar an unseren Facebook Post schreiben und dort eure Wunschbegleitung markieren würdet. Viele Grüße Daniel
Hallo Team Zeal, Ich würde mein Bruder Yves Obert mitnehmen. Da die Brüder Altig aus der Rad Erfinder Stadt Mannheim kommen und nun ratet mal welche Brüder das gleiche Hobby in der gleichen Stadt von den Altigs gelernt haben. Genau sie Gebrüder Obert, wir Yves und Alexander sind seit über 25 Jahren im Radsport verankert und Leben diesen Sport wie dir Altig Brüder. Auch heute stehen wir noch auf den Treppchen der Region mal allein oder Zusammen. Vielleicht gibt es die Möglichkeit in der Zukunft was zusammen zu machen. Lasst mal was von euch hören mit Sonnigen Grüßen aus Mannheim ?
Würde mich riesig freuen